Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why you should never take a Kinder Egg into the United States

Posted: 09 Nov 2011 10:23 PM PST

Eggplants and peppers

The British government has warned its citizens traveling to Iceland that bringing whale meat home may result in a fine or a jail term. Whale meat is popular in Iceland, despite a 1986 international moratorium on commercial whaling. 

But it's not just whale meat-loving Brits that have to watch what they're packing on their travels. 

This information is correct at time of writing, but laws are subject to change. Always check the conditions for arrival into a country before your trip. 

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Gallery: The weird and wonderful faces of Japan after March 11

Posted: 09 Nov 2011 08:55 PM PST

Liezel Strauss is proof that doing good deeds can be wholesome for the spirit. "This makes my heart sing," says the South African expat, who's lived in Tokyo for nearly two years.

She's referring to the response to her charity venture, My Japan, something she makes time for in between running a busy art and design consultancy firm, BottegaTokyo, and a photographic art gallery, Subject Matter.

Horror show

Her story of benevolence begins back on March 11. Strauss and her British husband, Jon, were in Tokyo when the earth started shaking. They, like many, watched the images from the northeast in disbelief and horror.

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홍콩의 레스토랑 트렌드 Top 10

Posted: 09 Nov 2011 02:00 PM PST

홍콩은 오랫동안 스스로를 아시아의 음식 문화를 선도하는 곳으로 홍보해 왔다. 수 세대에 걸쳐 광동식 음식문화를 전세계에 폭넓게 홍보한 결과, 지구촌 곳곳 어딜 가나 광동 음식을 맛볼 수 있다는 것을 바탕으로 한 다소 주관적 자랑이다.

이러한 중심에 있는 홍콩은 그들 요리의 고유성을 십분 활용하여 길거리 노점상에서부터 동굴을 연상케하는 딤섬 홀에 이르기까지 다양한 요리를 제공하고 있다.

홍콩은 금융 및 무역의 중심지로 부상하는 동시에, 해외 거주 중국인들의 고국 요리에 대한 그리움과 투자가 함께 맞물리면서, 국제적으로 포괄적인 요리 명소로 성장했다. 파크 애비뉴의 화려함부터 고어 부두에 이르기까지 다양한 분위기에서 요리를 즐길 수 있다.

최근에는 고전 광동식 요리에 기반을 두면서 변신을 이룬 수많은 요리들이 탄생했으며, 홍콩의 어느 거리를 다녀봐도 아시아의 세계적 도시라는 주장을 실감할 수 있다.

Michelin Guide에 처음으로 홍콩이 등장한 2009년에는 권위있는 인증을 받았다고 느끼는 것 같았다. 이후 홍콩 요리계는 지속적인 성장을 거듭했으며 그에 따른 발전도 빠르게 진행 되었다.

오늘날 홍콩 음식 문화와 10대 트렌드를 살펴보고 그러한 진화를 기록해보고자 한다.

1. 와인, 와인, 와인

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Vietnam, land of ridiculous theme parks

Posted: 09 Nov 2011 02:00 PM PST

suoi tien theme park

If there's one deeply unattractive quality in a travel writer it's a sneer.

It doesn't matter if it's a jumped-up gap year kid blogging about how the "locals" don't understand correct environmental protection or a corpulent blowhard taking a break from opining on American politics to glare askance at hectic traffic and piles of rubbish.

It's the kind of writing that doesn't do much except inflate its author's ego and annoy readers.

So it's not with a sneer that we view these theme parks. It's mostly bewilderment.

Why the concrete bunnies?

Wherefore scale models of real things you can already see in the city?

Is that guy really hanging off the rollercoaster one handed? And he's … welding?

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Best Hong Kong souvenirs and where to get them

Posted: 09 Nov 2011 02:00 PM PST

Hong Kong souvenirs

The classic

"I ♥ Hong Kong" T-shirt
Any of Hong Kong's famed street markets will offer a whole range of cheesy tourist T-shirts emblazoned with "Lost in Hong Kong" or a map of the MTR system or a charted guide to tai chi moves performed by a cartoon panda.

Ladies' Market and Jardine's Bazaar as well as Li Yuan East and West streets are best. Warm up those negotiation muscles and prepare for a good ol' bargaining war with traders. 

Ladies' Market: take the MTR to Mong Kok Station, Exit E2, then walk along Nelson Street for two blocks.
Jardine's Bazaar, Causeway Bay MTR Station, exit F
Li Yuan East and West streets, Central MTR Station, exit C

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Sexy, tipsy salsa: Shanghai's 5 best bars for putting on your dancing shoes

Posted: 09 Nov 2011 01:57 PM PST

Shanghai bar -- Shanghai salsa nights

Looking for a change of pace? A night of salsa might just be the boost you need.

Let the rhythm flow at one of these five Shanghai bars. Most of them run free dance classes at the beginning of the evening to teach you the basics of those oh-so-sultry Latin moves.

1. Mural

This is probably the most popular salsa night in town, crowded with dance devotees every Monday.

With a mix of live band, DJ sets and salsa instructors, who needs more on a Monday night?

Mural's intimate interiors and dusky ambience allow everyone, from amateurs to professionals, to let loose and dance the night away.

To warm up, get there early and take advantage of the buy-one-get-one-free deal for all drinks on the menu (from 7 p.m.-9 p.m.).

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Posted: 09 Nov 2011 01:00 PM PST



数年前のある日、私はいわき市の自分のアパートから駅まで出かけるため、電話でタクシーを呼んだ。 どこに出かけたのかは思い出せないが、そのときのタクシー運転手との会話は明瞭に脳裏に焼きついている。

風の強い日だった。 家のベランダから顔を出すと、隣の店のシェードが風でバタバタとはためいているのが見えた。 電信柱の電線も乱暴にゆすぶられている。 正面玄関のレンガのスロープ前にタクシーが滑り込んできた。メゾン蔵前という私のマンションの正面玄関だ。

タクシーの自動ドアでさえ逆風で重そうに開く。 駅への道すがら、タクシーの運転手に向かって、今日は本当に風が強いですね、と話かけた。




いわきは最後の辺境のようなものだ。 何百年も前に、いわきの南にある生い茂った森の中に作られた勿来の関は、南の「文明化した」日本と、北の「未開人」の土地とを分ける境界線だった。


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How to make perfect coffee

Posted: 09 Nov 2011 11:59 AM PST


Every morning, Sydney streets exude that earthy aroma of freshly roasted beans.

But although local caffeine addicts are self-proclaimed experts on taste and how to say, "One café latte, please," they know little about their cuppa's creation.

Even though they demand boutique coffee from an espresso machine -- no brew here -- most don't know their barista's many secrets.

Maybe the aloofness is because their southern rival, Melbourne, does it pretty much the same way.

So here's your step-by-step guide -- just so you can shout at your barista if they get it wrong.

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