Friday, January 6, 2012

World's best shopping avenues named

Posted: 06 Jan 2012 12:04 AM PST

Chanel London
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How many shopping trips truly turn out to to be the idyllic experiences your friends promised they would be?

Presence Mystery Shopping, a Paris-based market consulting company, thinks it has found 30 places that really truly can offer shopping heaven. It has published a report ranking the welcome and service for the world's most famous shopping streets.

"We surveyed the quality of retail service on iconic shopping streets that tourists are told they just need to visit," says Presence Business Development Manager, Leslie Kambourian.

Over 30 main avenues were visited, and nearly 400 individual retail outlets were observed, including perfume shops, restaurants, ready-to-wear outlets and showrooms.

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Sydney Festival First Night takes over city center

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 08:44 PM PST

Sydney Festival 2012
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If you are in Sydney this weekend, you're here at the right time. If you're not, plan your holiday for the first week in January next year to enjoy Festival First Night.

The street party that ushers in the long-running Sydney Festival is now in its fifth year and has come to define summer in Sydney and the cultural idealism of the harbor city.

Hundreds of thousands of people will arrive in the city center for an artistic celebration.

Elizabeth Street, Macquarie Street, College Street, Hyde Park, the Art Gallery of New South Wales and The Domain will host an array of acts.

Starting with the kids

Who says that festivals aren't for kids?

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6 peculiar European destinations sought by Chinese tourists

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

Chinese tourists European destinations
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Approximately four million Chinese traveled to Europe in 2011, and the number is expected to grow over the next few years.

It's no news that these deep-pocketed tourists enjoy shopping in Harrods, posing on the Champs-Élysées and drinking wine in Bordeaux.

But what else is on the agenda?

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50 foods that define the Philippines

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 02:01 PM PST

Best Filipino foods
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Filipino food may not be as famous as that of its Thai and Vietnamese neighbors. But with more than 7,000 islands and a colorful history, this archipelago has some delicious dishes of its own.

Blessed with an abundance of seafood, tropical fruits and creative cooks, there's more to Filipino dishes than the mind-boggling balut (duck embryo).

You just have to know where to find them and how to eat them.

Don't miss: World's 50 most delicious foods

1. Adobo

No list of Filipino food would be complete without adobo.

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Posted: 05 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST

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沒有豬肉,點心會變成甚麼樣呢? 為了要回答這個問題,我們來到灣仔的「伊斯蘭中心餐廳」, 這裡在午餐時間提供清真點心,而晚餐則提供廣東菜式。 香港的伊斯蘭教徒為數不少,且有一群人數穩定的東南亞伊斯蘭教徒遊客經常來到這裡,「伊斯蘭中心餐廳」為回教族群提供除了清真咖哩和素食餐點以外,另一種地道口味的選擇。 我們來這間店品嘗了不使用豬肉及豬油的點心,發現這裡不僅食物美味,更有很好的社區氣氛。

灣仔 Ammar 清真寺的「伊斯蘭中心餐廳」在 2005 年開張, 它是香港僅有兩家清真餐廳的其中之一,並且是唯一一家提供廣東菜的清真餐廳。 這裡提供的食物獲得香港伊斯蘭聯會的認可,

都十分符合清真的原則,使用來自中國和巴西的新鮮肉類製作。 餐廳的主廚受過製作清真料理的專門訓練,他設計了許多獨具巧思的食譜來取代傳統的豬肉菜式,效果都十分不錯。

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Posted: 05 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST

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下面就是我们帮你挑选的上海最好的六家按摩馆。 这些地方不会让你的荷包太过收缩,不过第一次来的人要注意了,其中一些按摩师的力气相当大。 正如一句成语所说: "先苦后甜"。











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7가지 유형 여행가를 위한 7가지 여행

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST

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따분한 새해 맞이 행사를 벗어나서 전혀 새로운 세상을 만날 수 있는 최고의 여행 장소는 어디일까? 

늘 그렇듯 여행도 개인의 취향에 따라 달라지기 마련. 그래서 준비했다. 

일곱가지 유형의 여행가들을 위한 7가지 여행 아이디어로, 모두 올해 모험해보아도 좋을만한 곳들이다.

자, 그럼 선글라스와 선크림 준비해놓으시고 출발! 

1. 야외 활동파: 미국 캘리포니아 주 휘트니산(Mount Whitney)

세상에서 가장 높은 산에 오르고 싶어하는 사람은 많다.

하지만 우리 솔직해지자. 이번 생애에 에베레스트나 킬리만자로에 오르는 건 힘들지 않을까. 

그러니 4,421미터 높이의 휘트니 산을 고려해보자. 미국의 다른 48개 주 어디보다도 높고, 소문에 따르면 걸어서 올라갈 수 있는 산 중에 지구상에서 가장 높은 곳이라고 한다.

앞날을 내다볼 줄 아는 주말 등산객이라면 6개월 전에 미리 여름 등산 허가서를 받도록 하자. 

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Best Shanghai day trips

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 01:57 PM PST

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After touring Shanghai's downtown for a few days, everyone needs a break from the car horns, jackhammer drills and blasting TV screens on public transport.

With the upcoming Lunar New Year rush, retreating into nearby suburbs and lazy water towns become a convenient way to gain inner peace.

And here are five of the best Shanghai day trips.

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